For the attention of telecommunication equipment manufacturers and suppliers
28.11.2016 #services #conformity assessment
Compulsory certification of telecommunication devices in accordance with the National System for Conformity Attestation of the Republic of Belarus regulations (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 21 October 2016 № 849 "On some issues of conformity in the National System for Conformity Attestation of the Republic of Belarus") will be put in place on February 1, 2017.
According to the Resolution and depending on the list of equipment conformity assessment must be carried out in one of the following forms:
In accordance with paragraph 10 of the list of compulsory conformity assessment objects of the National System for Conformity Attestation of the Republic of Belarus a certificate is required for such telecommunication means as:
- data transmission systems
- digital transport systems;
- switching systems and service management;
- forming, encoding, decoding, multiplexing, converting, transmitting and receiving digital broadcasting signals;
- other equipment according to the list;
The following telecommunication equipment must be declared:
- radio relay equipment;
- stationary transmitters, broadcast and digital television repeaters;
- base stations and repeaters for mobile radio systems;
- radio stations;
- mobile phones GSM (2G), UMTS (3G), LTE (4G);
- DECT telephones;
- terminal equipment (WiFi routers);
- tablets with built-in 3G, 4G radio modules;
- laptops, TVs, mp3-players, cameras and video cameras, video recorders, navigation devices, e-books, appliances and other devices with built-in GSM, GPRS, Bluetooth, WiFi radio modules.
Our Certification Centre performs works on certification of these products in compliance with the accreditation in the Customs Union and the National System for Conformity Attestation of the Republic of Belarus.
Certification Centre contacts: tel. +375(17)3314970, +375(17)2909606
Certification procedures are conducted according to TKP 5.1.02-2012 and declaration procedures are established in TKP 5.1.03-2012.
Telecommunication devices and services mentioned above must be certified and (or) declared in accordance with technical regulations of the Customs Union (ТР ТС 004/2011 Safety of low voltage equipment and ТР ТС 020/2011 Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment).
In order to obtain a certificate and to register a declaration in accordance with the requirements of national standards for serial production or a batch of products it is necessary to have a positive protocol of testing for these products. That kind of protocol is given by an accredited testing laboratory, which is certified by the National Accreditation Body of the Republic of Belarus.
Such tests are carried out by our Certified Test Centre.
Contacts: tel:+375(17)3311113, +375(17)3311541, +375(17)2373449
Payment for the work performed by the Authority for certification in the declared field of accreditation is carried out by bank transfer on the basis of civil law contracts concluded by the applicants with the Authority for certification.
The cost of the certification and declaration is determined depending on the type conducted works and the range of the declared equipment on the basis of approved complexity norms and price list. The cost of the testing depends on the range of indicators, and in each case it is determined individually for each applicant.
Terms of performance:
- declaration registration – 5 days;
- a conformity certificate issuance for a batch of products with the recognition of testing protocols – 5 days;
- a conformity certificate issuance for serial production – 10 days after the positive testing and carrying out the necessary work.
We value the reputation of a reliable partner, and focusing on the long-term perspective we guarantee professionalism, accessibility and timeliness of our services. The implemented quality management system allows us to improve our work and ensure compliance with all customer requirements.
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To the attention of certificate holders, applicants for the certification and those, who accept declarations
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