A new trend in the buildings engineering systems management. “Giprosvjaz” contribution to smart home development.
30.09.2016 #tech #Belarus #services
The activities aimed at creating infrastructure that helps to improve control over the use of energy and other resources are becoming increasingly important in the field of economic security of the Republic of Belarus.
That is why the development of intelligent building solutions that increase buildings engineering systems management efficiency, minimize the cost of providing housing services, help to save energy and other resources, improve the safety and quality of life is becoming one of the trends in this area.
Nowadays there is a question of integration of buildings engineering systems, security and resource conservation systems, in particular automated control systems and energy metering, ventilation, heating and water supply systems, video surveillance and fire-alarm systems into a unified management system.
Regarding this question and taking into consideration the results of scientific and technical expertise, the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus decided to include the following work in the list of R&D works for 2017: “Structure development, interaction principles and technical requirements for a unified system, that manage, monitor and record information from intelligent buildings engineering systems”.
Before starting this work (in October 2016), “Giprosvjaz” specialists developed the following normative documents that form the basis of the ongoing research:
- The concept of the “Smart home” solution;
- STB “Smart home” System. System components. “Smart home” system controllers, sensors, actuating devices. General technical requirements and test methods;
- TCP Smart buildings telecommunication facilities and standard design approaches to Smart Home system. Design and construction guidelines.
The technical solutions and requirements obtained during this work will form the basis for the creation of a unified management, control and accounting system for intelligent buildings, integrated with the “Smart home” solution.
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