Second meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 was held on September 14-18, 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland


Second meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 (2014-2017 study period): Enabling environment for the development of telecommunications/ICTs was held on September 14-18, 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The following questions were discussed:

  • - Question 1/1: Policy, regulatory and technical aspects of the migration from existing networks to broadband networks in developing countries, including next-generation networks, m-services, OTT services and the implementation of IPv6.
  • - Question 2/1: Broadband access technologies, including IMT, for developing countries.
  • - Question 3/1: Access to cloud computing: challenges and opportunities for developing countries.
  • - Question 4/1: Economic policies and methods of determining the costs of services related to national telecommunication/ICT networks, including next-generation networks.
  • - Question 5/1: Telecommunications/ICTs for rural and remote areas.
  • - Question 6/1: Consumer information, protection and rights: Laws, regulation, economic bases, consumer networks.
  • - Question 7/1:  Access to telecommunication/ICT services by persons with disabilities and with specific needs.
  • - Question 8/1: Examination of strategies and methods of migration from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting and implementation of new services.
  • - Resolution 9: Participation of countries, particularly developing countries, in spectrum management.

There were presented contribution from member-countries, e.g. "Experience of the Russian Federation in the sharing of telecommunication infrastructure" (Russian Federation), "Strategic, regulatory and technical aspects of developing the mobile payment business" (Intervale, Russian Federation, and Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov, Ukraine), etc.

Participation in ITU-D Study Group 1 is an important factor for the development of telecommunications/ICT in the Republic of Belarus as it provides a continuous experience exchange between the Republic of Belarus and its foreign counterparts, and allows to rapidly develop areas within the competence of Study Group 1.

On the outcomes of the World Telecommunication Development Conference

The World Telecommunication Development Conference of the International Telecommunication Union, which was devoted to the theme “Iinformation and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Development Goals”, concluded its work In Buenos Aires (Argentina).

The meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization

The results of the socio-economic development of the industry for the first half of 2017 were considered during the meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization on August 3, 2017.

To the attention of certificate holders, applicants for the certification and those, who accept declarations

The Law of the Republic of Belarus "On conformity assessment to Technical Requirements and accreditation of conformity assessment authorities" came into force on July, 30 2017.

Preparation and testing at EMC Laboratory

EMC Laboratory under JSV Giprosvjaz conducts assessment of telecommunication equipment.

Changes in the Rules for the telecommunication services provision

The Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus № 518 dated from July 12, 2017 made some additions and changes to the Rules for the telecommunication services provision and the Rules for the of lines, communication structures and radio communications protection in the Republic of Belarus.