Belarus in Akamai Technologies quarterly report on internet speed
29.06.2016 #tech #analytics
Akamai Technologies has published a quarterly report on internet speed. Over the past quarter the average speed increased by 12% and amounted to 6.3 Mbps. In annual terms, the increase was 23%.
The leading positions are occupied by South Korea with 29 Mbps (Belarus, for comparison, has only 7.5 Mbps), Norway (21.3 Mbps), Sweden (20.6 Mbps), Hong Kong (19.9 Mbps).
Belarus is inferior to all neighboring countries: Russia (12.1 Mbps), Ukraine (12.3 Mbps), Lithuania (15.1 Mbps), Latvia (18.3 Mbps).
According to the report, the company has allocated a separate block of statistics about the devices that use IPv6. For example, in Belgium, they account for 36% of traffic.
Source (in Russian):
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