ITU announce new Information/document access policy
16.01.2017 #ITU
Since the beginning of 2017 ITU has started the realization of new information access policy and undertaken to provide online public access to more information and documentation held, managed or generated by ITU. ITU Council decided on this solution at its 2016 session. The aim of this solution is to bring public access policy to information for major ITU conferences and meetings in accordance with the policies of other international organizations, such as The World Bank United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and to make ITU's decision-making processes much more clear .
Thus, since January 1,2017 inbound documents, decisions summary, reports and other summary documents are accessible on ITU website. This process will become a permanent part of the major ITU conferences and meetings in the upcoming years. Among these meetings are ITU Council Work and Advisory Groups meetings, upcoming World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017 and ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, which will take place at the end of 2018.
The following general categories of information are covered by this policy:
- general information about the mandate, activities and history of ITU;
- information of ITU treaty-making conferences;
- information related to the governance and management of ITU;
- information on ITU’s operational activities.
See more about information and documents, on which public access is provided, on ITU website.
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