The Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus informs about the Information resource on Quality of Service designed to assess the quality of data transmission services.
The Information resource on Quality of Service was developed and implemented according to the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 843 "On amendments and additions to the Rules of telecommunications services" of September 26, 2013. The Information resource on Quality of Service is intended to provide end-users with a comprehensive tool for QoS assessment of fixed wired Internet access and its conformance with the requirements stated in SLA and technical and regulatory documents.
Please note that the results obtained through the Information resource on Quality of Service serve as guidelines and provide end-users with information on current network performance parameters and quality of service.
The Information resource on Quality of service is available at www.qos.by. The links are provided at the website of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus and at the website of OJSC Giprosvjaz. The development and maintenance of the Information resource on Quality of service is ensured by OJSC Giprosvjaz.
Ref.: QoS (Quality of service) is the collective effect of service performances which determine the degree of satisfaction of a user of the service as defined by ITU-T, Rec. E.800.
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