Electronic resource on certification and declaration of telecommunication devices
29.12.2016 #services #conformity assessment
Telecommunication Devices and Services Certification Centre holds the works on conformity assessment of telecommunication devices with the help of electronic resource e-cert.by.
An applicant can remotely apply for any kind of conformity assessment in compliance with the National System for Conformity Attestation of the Republic of Belarus and technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union. This e-service simplify the procedure of conformity assessment and makes it faster. It helps an auditor or a Head of the Authority for certification, as well as an applicant, to monitor the application processing percentage. You can also monitor the process of conformity assessment by registration on the portal, your personal account will help to maintain a working conversation with an auditor and the Head of Certification Centre and get timely information on taken decisions. However, an electronic application does not exclude the providing the Authority for certification with a set of paper documents according to the requirements of TKP 5.1.02 and TKP 5.1.03.
You can apply for certificate or declaration here: www.e-cert.by.
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