The 32nd meeting of the RCC Commission on International Cooperation Coordination
The 32nd meeting of the RCC Commission on International Cooperation Coordination will be held on November 8, 2016 in Bishkek (Kyrgyz Republic).
The following questions are to be discussed within the scope of the meeting:
- The preliminary results of RCC Communications Administrations for the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly in 2016 (WTSA-16)
- Preparations for World Telecommunication Development Conference in 2017 (WTDC-17) and The RCC Regional Preparatory Meeting
- Preparations for ITU Plenipotentiary in 2018
- RCC interaction with international and regional organizations
- Provisions project of RCC Working Group on coordination with ITU under the RCC Committee on International Cooperation Coordination;
The RCC Commission on International Cooperation Coordination was created by RCC Communications Administrations on December 18, 1993 according to the Board Decision № 10/12. It plays an a significant role on the stage of preparatory work and during the UPU Congresses, the ITU Plenipotentiary Conferences, World Radiocommunication Conferences and Radiocommunication Assemblies, World Telecommunication Standardization Assemblies, World Telecommunication Development Conferences as well as the World Summit on the information society.
The RCC Working Group on coordination with ITU, which was created within RCC Commission on International Cooperation Coordination, interacts with five major regional organizations: the African Telecommunication Union (ATU), the League of Arab States (LAS), the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT), European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) and the Inter-American Commission in the field of communications (CITEL).
On the outcomes of the World Telecommunication Development Conference
The World Telecommunication Development Conference of the International Telecommunication Union, which was devoted to the theme “Iinformation and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Development Goals”, concluded its work In Buenos Aires (Argentina).
The meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization
The results of the socio-economic development of the industry for the first half of 2017 were considered during the meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization on August 3, 2017.
To the attention of certificate holders, applicants for the certification and those, who accept declarations
The Law of the Republic of Belarus "On conformity assessment to Technical Requirements and accreditation of conformity assessment authorities" came into force on July, 30 2017.
Preparation and testing at EMC Laboratory
EMC Laboratory under JSV Giprosvjaz conducts assessment of telecommunication equipment.
Changes in the Rules for the telecommunication services provision
The Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus № 518 dated from July 12, 2017 made some additions and changes to the Rules for the telecommunication services provision and the Rules for the of lines, communication structures and radio communications protection in the Republic of Belarus.