ITU WP 4A Workshop on non-GSO satellite issues held on April 21 in Geneva
ITU WP 4A Workshop on non-GSO satellite issues was held on April 21, 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau in his report to WRC-15 drew the attention of the Conference to the increasing number of requests for coordination submitted for non-GSO satellite systems operating in the FSS subject to the equivalent power flux-density limits in Article 22 and to coordination under No. 9.7B of the Radio Regulations.
The report highlighted certain issues associated with this situation and, as such, WRC-15 was invited to:
- further consider reviewing means by which the coordination of non-GSO satellite systems with each other or with GSO networks in specific frequency bands may be facilitated including the pertinence of the existing sharing criteria to the non-GSO FSS systems containing very large number of satellites and a wide diversity of orbital characteristics,
- the possible flexibility to modify specific parameters or orbital characteristics of the non-GSO satellite systems during the coordination process without impacting the date of receipt of the relevant coordination requests and the definition of bringing into use of frequency assignments for non-GSO systems.
The purpose of the workshop is to share views on these issues focusing on technical and practical considerations which would assist both the Bureau to process the non-GSO FSS filings so far received in a clear and transparent manner and the ITU-R membership to develop relevant recommendations and/or reports as well as studies under related WRC-19 agenda items within Working Party 4A
Source: ITU
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