Mapping broadband services: towards an integrated platform at European level

15.03.2016 #tech

From 2016 onwards the European Commission will start building a mapping capacity in the form of an EU integrated monitoring platform enabling to:

  • benchmark and analyse trends in broadband services in Europe
  • promote the usage of reliable and certified tools for fixed and wireless access networks
  • in the longer run, develop online services or assess individual NGN projects

This IT tool map will aggregate and benchmark mapping measurements of the services provided by broadband networks, notably from two dimensions:

  • Quality of Service (QoS): data on broadband service as declared by telecom operators and collected by Member States such as Ministries, national or regional agencies or National Regulatory Authorities for Electronic Communications (NRAs)
  • Quality of Experience (QoE): data from a number of qualified platforms for crowd-sourcing and taking into account the work of BEREC/NRAs on monitoring quality of internet access services, and data from    private platforms and international projects.

By developing its own mapping capacity, the Commission will be able to build on these sources as well as on any other relevant native GIS data sets, and thus better account for the deployment of broadband services in Europe. Moreover, it will be able to measure, almost in real time, the concrete effects and foreseeable trends of its high-speed broadband policy.


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