IMT-2020 makes progress in developing 5G standard
10.03.2016 #tech
The ITU group engaged with developing International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) systems – ITU-R Working Party 5D – met in Beijing, People's Republic of China, to further develop IMT-2020, the standard for 5G mobile systems.
This is the first meeting of ITU-R Working Party 5D following the decision of WRC-15 to identify and harmonize spectrum for operation of IMT systems in frequency bands below 6 GHz. WRC-15 also requested ITU-R to study potential use of additional spectrum above 6 GHz for IMT, and the results of those studies will be considered at the next WRC in 2019.
ITU is continuing to work closely with administrations, network operators, equipment manufacturers and national and regional standardization organizations to include today’s 5G research and development activities in the IMT-2020 global standard for mobile broadband communications.
“Following additional spectrum allocations for mobile during the World Radiocommunication Conference in late 2015, ITU is continuing to work in close collaboration with governments and the global mobile industry to make rapid progress in bringing the vision of IMT-2020 to fruition,” said ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao. “Future steps in 5G mobile technology are aimed at a new paradigm of connectivity among people and things in a smart, networked environment encompassing big data, applications, transport systems and urban centres.”
This successful collaboration of the ITU membership brought together a large number of participants and experts to take forward the work on IMT-2020 and the coordination of the international standardization for 5G systems.
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