ETSI summit "5G: From Myth to Reality" to take place on April 21, 2016

12.04.2016 #events #EU

ETSI summit 5G: From Myth to Reality will take place on April 21, 2016 at ETSI Headquarters in France. This event will offer a unique opportunity to raise today's open questions on 5G.

The 5th generation of mobile communication networks has attracted a lot of attention from industry, research centres, academia, press and conferences in the recent past. Although 5G is intended to support a very wide range of innovative services, there are three specific classes of use cases emerging as candidates for early prioritization: enhanced mobile broadband, massive machine type communications and ultra-reliable/low latency communications.

ITU-R and 3GPP are starting already to define requirements for IMT-2020/5G based on these classes of use cases.

This event will review the potential of these classes of use cases from a socio economic and technological perspective. It covers issues such as:

  • Motivations and business models behind the use cases?
  • Potential socio-economic consequences of 5G?
  • Real requirements and expectations of the stakeholders and how can they influence the discussion?
  • How the 5G roadmap departs from planned LTE roadmaps?
  • Do we have a harmonized view, across different regions, or at least in Europe?
  • Why is 2020 important? What can realistically be achieved by that date?

The summit will bring together policy makers, operators, manufacturers, vertical sectors, content providers, the user community, researchers and standardization experts to critically assess these 5G use cases and priorities. A main goal of this summit is to encourage frank and open discussions about the 5G topic among all stakeholders.


Image: ETSI

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