Sergey Novikov, the Director of “Giprosvjaz”, made a report at the conference “Turkmentel-2016”

05.10.2016 #events #CIS

The “Giprosvjaz” Director Sergey Novikov made a report on the topic “Digital TV in Belarus: implementation practice” on the second day of the 10th International Conference on Telecommunications, Telemetry and IT “Turkmentel-2016”. The report was represented within the section “Future prospects for television and radio broadcasting in Turkmenistan. Modern digital broadcasting technologies and ICT for large-scale sport events.”

Moreover, the conference work was carried out in the following sections:

- Information and communication infrastructure development and Turkmenistan integration into global information space;

- Satellite communications in Turkmenistan: opportunities and further development of the space industry;

- Future prospects for TV and radio broadcasting development in Turkmenistan;

- Modern digital broadcasting technologies and ICT for large-scale sport events;

- Current status review and investment opportunities in mobile communications, fixed-line and internet connection in Turkmenistan;

- Use of information technologies in various industries and innovations in the field of information security and software.


A lot of well-known companies took part in “Turkmentel-2016”. There were such famous brands as Huawei Tech Investment Co., SSI Monaco, ThalesAlenia Space, Thales Group, Sony Professional Solutions Group, Axis Communications, Eastwind, EVS, EUTELSAT, GIPROSVJAZ, Global Kvant, Hikvision, Hughes Network Systems, HUTCHISON GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED, Iskratel, LYOVE R.C., NorthStar SiteTel, Panasonic, Airbus, DELL, DHL, KAZTRANSCOM JSC, NEC CORPORATION, SOYUZ-KABEL , TELIA CARRIER, T.T.G. International, X INFOTECH and many others.

The Organizing Committee of “Turkmentel-2016” provided a wide range of topics that reflect the latest achievements in ICT and meet current and future needs in this rapidly growing sector.

The conference became a platform for establishing new business contacts with ICT sector leaders as well as for identifying perspective areas of cooperation with Turkmen institutions and organizations.

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