Strategic planning of ICT infrastructure development
We aim at providing recommendations to develop ICT infrastructure in Belarus in the following 7 years. OJSC Giprosvjaz introduced several proposals to draft National ICT Infrastructure Development Plan.
Our team performs analysis of best practices in ICT policy making in developed countries, including Digital Agenda for Europe 2020, examines ITU reports and other relevant sources of information on ICT policy making.
In order to develop Action Plan fro 2016-2022 numerous consultations with stakeholders took place, a lot of proposals to develop ICT infrastructure were collected. Targets in ICT Infrastructure Development and activities to reach these targets were proposed. Specific recommendations to improve fixed- and mobile infrastructure were made. The work resulted in draft National ICT Infrastructure Development Plan.
Our goals are to become a driver of scientific and methodological support in the field of digital development; create favorable conditions for the examination of events and pilot projects, for the mass use of telecommunications and electrical products for the benefit of the development of the state's digital economy.