JSV Giprosvjaz is a renowned leader in communications networks and systems design and R&D in the sphere of telecommunications. JSV Giprosvjaz is a head organization for standardization, certification, metrology.
JSV Giprosvjaz performs R&D in the following spheres: development and implementation of communications systems and facilities, regulatory documents development, guidelines development for measuring communications facilities electric parameters, expert evaluation of communications facilities technical specifications and documentation.
JSV Giprosvjaz fulfills annual state and sector standardization plans on development and revision of national standards, regulatory documents and guidelines in the field of telecommunications.
We promote international scientific and technical cooperation. JSV Giprosvjaz specialists are tasked with developing propositions for the Communications Administration of the Republic of Belarus. A range of ITU-T Recommendations were translated by JSV Giprosvjaz.
"Vesnik Suvyazi", scientific periodical for professionals in the field of telecommunications and ICT, is published by JSV Giprosvjaz.
Effective use of investment is one of JSV Giprosvjaz priorities. We guarantee that with the experience and expertise of our professionals only highest results are achieved