Business contacts exchange “Advanced scientific and technological research and innovative region development” held its congress events on September 23, 2016 in Gomel

Business contacts exchange “Advanced scientific and technological research and innovative region development” held its congress events at Gomel Regional Public Cultural Center on September 23, 2016.

The main purpose of these events was to present innovations designed for implementation in various sectors of the economy.

An innovative developments exhibition was held as a part of these congress events. Different Belarusian organizations, institutions and private businesses engaged in innovation activities introduced their developments in order to implement them to regional enterprises. Selected innovations with high commercialization potential were presented to the business executives, who represent potential customers and consumers in technical and industrial fields.

ASB "Belarusbank" presented their financing opportunities for innovation projects to the business contacts exchange participants. They also emphasized that innovative projects offers should be relevant to the state economy, have a high level of cost recovery and short deadlines.

Iwashko Vladimir , Deputy Director for science and development,  "Giprosvjaz", also attended business contacts exchange congress events.