Conformity Assessment

Telecommunication Devices and Services Certification Centre is a body responsible for conformity approval certification of telecommunication devices and services in accordance with technical regulations of the Customs Union ТР ТС 004/2011 Safety of low voltage equipment and ТР ТС 020/2011 Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Telecommunication Devices and Services Certification Centre performs obligatory and voluntary conformity approval certification and issues conformity certificates and declarations registered in National conformity approval system of the Republic of Belarus. Accreditation number BY/112 030.01 dated 30.11.1993.

Telecommunication Devices and Services Certification Centre is legally and economically independent.

Conformity approval certification is conducted according to the rules and procedures declared in the following documents:

  • ТР ТС 004/2011 Safety of low voltage equipment
  • ТР ТС 020/2011 Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment
  • TKP 5.1.02-2012 National confirmation of conformity system the Republic of Belarus. Certification of products. Basic concepts
  • TKP 5.1.03-2012 National confirmation of conformity system the Republic of Belarus. Declaring of conformity of production. Basic concepts
  • TKP 5.1.04-2012 National confirmation of conformity system the Republic of Belarus. Certification of performance of works, rendering of services. Basic concepts
  • TKP 5.3.20-2007 National confirmation of conformity system of the Republic of Belarus. Order of procedure certification repair of subscriber terminal

Conformity approval procedure is applicable to telecommunication devices manufactured by organizations in the Republic of Belarus as well as imported for the purpose of further realization and usage.

Telecommunication devices and services are tested for parameters that guarantee safety of life, health, environment and technical compatibility with telecommunication networks of the Republic of Belarus. These parameters conform to regulatory documents adopted and registered in the Republic of Belarus. Conformity certification of domestic and imported products is conducted at applicant’s cost. Conformity testing is conducted in certified testing laboratories.


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