Design and exploration
One of the core activities of JSV Giprosvjaz is design and exploration. It is regulated by quality management system, introduced at JSV Giprosvjaz. JSVGiprosvjaz as part of its activities in the field of design and exploration produces design and exploration documents for the following objects:
- Telecommunication lines (cable and radio relay lines) for national / trunk / local networks
- Primary telecommunication networks (SDH, xWDM)
- Automatic trunk / local / rural exchange
- Cellular mobile telecommunication systems
- Packet telephony networks NGN
- Transport data networks, backbone data networks, metropolitan area networks, Metro Ethernet
- Broadband wireline and wireless Internet-access through xDSL, WiMAX, Wi-Fi -Broadcasting transmitting stations and TV-retransmitters
- Digital television networks and systems
- Analogue television networks and systems
- Video conferencing
- Data processing centre
- Automated alert system networks
- Operational dispatch service networks
- Loudspeaker system networks
- Network clock synchronization
- SS7 networks
Housing / civil buildings and constructions maintenance and modernization:
- General layout and transport
- Architectural and construction concepts
- Utility systems, water supply systems, gas supply systems, canalization lines, HVAC systems, power networks
- Wire program distribution networks
- Structured cable lines
- Specialized corporate networks
- Enterprise area networks, personal area networks
- Fire detection and alarm systems;
- Facility intrusion detection systems;
- Security systems (video surveillance);
- Access restriction systems;
- Smoke control systems
- Fire warning systems
- Information protection systems
- General and advanced telecommunication networks development plan
- Cost estimating documentation
- Geotechnical and engineering investigations
JSVGiprosvjaz develops regulatory documents and it is responsible for methodology of design and exploration management, design and exploration works automation, etc. All the major projects in the spheres of network development and construction on the territory of the Republic of Belarus were conducted by JSV Giprisvjaz
Conformity certificate is registered in the Registry of National Conformity Assessment System of the Republic of Belarus № BY/112 05.01. 00200173 on November 29, 2002. Conformity certificate issued by the State Standardization Committee of the Republic of Belarus states that OJSC Giprosvjaz quality management system applies to development of construction documents for telecommunication networks, systems and buildings, for buildings of all responsibility levels and for carrying out engineering exploration and meets the requirements of STB ISO 9001–2009.
Conformity certificate with registration number QMS-00119 in DAkkS accreditation system states that JSV Giprosvjaz quality management system applies to development of construction documents for telecommunication networks, systems and buildings, for buildings of all responsibility levels and for carrying out engineering exploration and meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001:2008.
The following facts attest to the quality of design and exploration documentation produces by JSV Giprosvjaz:
- increasing amount of design and exploration contracts;
- design and exploration documentation is always produced on time and according to the agreement;
- increasing level of acknowledgement