Giprosvjaz specialists took part in the XXI International scientific-technical conference “Modern means of communication”
28.10.2016 #events
The XXI International scientific-technical conference “Modern means of communication” was held at Belarusian State Academy of Telecommunications on October 20-21, 2016.
Sergei Popkov , the Minister of Communications and Informatization, addressed to the organizers and participants of the conference with a welcoming speech:
“Continuous technological progress in the field of ICT, the penetration of information technologies in all spheres of modern society led to the fact that ICT of the auxiliary tool became one of the main instruments of social and economic development, thus classified as priority directions of scientific and technical activities in the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 years.”
The Minister underlined that the conference makes it possible to format an open exchange of views and ideas, to seek ways of advanced technology introduction and innovative products creation in the field of communication and informatization, and also training improvement and specialists’ professional development.
At the plenary session the Giprosvjaz Deputy Director for science and development, candidate of military sciences, associate professor Vladimir Iwashko made the report “Research for the benefit of the industry development”. He underlined the importance and relevance of the research, the results of which will ensure the ongoing development of the industry and international legal protection of the interests of the Communications Administration of the Republic of Belarus.
At the sectional sessions of the conference the following reports were presented:
- “Increasing of the reliability of data transmission quality parameters measurement” by senior researcher of terminal equipment laboratory Jaroslav Yazlovetsky
- “Research of mutual LTE-networks influence of radio navigation and meteorological services” by senior researcher of EMC Laboratory, candidate of technical sciencesIvan Tereh
- “Methods of evaluating the quality of data transmission services in cellular mobile communication networks” by IT Research Department engineer Mark Tushkevich
Giprosvjaz organized the seminar “Integration of intelligent buildings engineering systems based on “Smart home” solution” during the conference. Representatives from different ministries were invited to take part in the seminar, among them the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Architecture and Construction, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Representatives of other interested companies such as Mingaz, Minskvodokanal, Protection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Beltelecom , JSC “Promsvjaz” , ZAO “NPP Belsoft” were also invited.
The seminar aims were the following:
- A common understanding of the integration and interaction of management, control and accounting systems for intelligent buildings.
- Development of the algorithm for interaction between the various ministries and organizations in creation of a unified management, control and accounting system for intelligent buildings
During the seminar participants discussed how to implement the “Smart home” solution, the principles of “Smart home” solution integration with other systems according to the Concept, international experience in the construction of management and control systems for intelligent buildings.
All the participants agreed that it is necessary to create an interdepartmental working group responsible for coordination of structure, interaction principles and technical requirements for a unified system, that manage, monitor and record information from intelligent buildings engineering systems.
On the outcomes of the World Telecommunication Development Conference
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The meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization
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To the attention of certificate holders, applicants for the certification and those, who accept declarations
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Preparation and testing at EMC Laboratory
EMC Laboratory under JSV Giprosvjaz conducts assessment of telecommunication equipment.
Changes in the Rules for the telecommunication services provision
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