EEU member states agreed to continue to further reduce roaming prices
15.04.2016 #CIS #regulation
EEU member states agreed to continue to further reduce roaming prices as discussed at EEC and EEU antimonopoly authorities meeting in Yerevan on April 14, 2016.
It was noted that as a result of EEC and EEU antimonopoly authorities and mobile operators joint work the cost of voice roaming services gradually reduced. The economic benefits for EEU member states can grow up to 2 billion russian rubles per year.
Reducing the cost of roaming services allows to further promote economic integration, ensure economic progress, implement joint projects in various sectors of economy, etc.
It was decided to further work on this issue and to take necessery steps to reduces roaming prices even more in 2017 and to promote competition on cross-boader market of mobile services.
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