Specialists from the department of power supply of communications equipment took part in the seminar “Electromagnetic compatibility. Electrical safety. Grounding. Lightning protection”
18.11.2016 #events
The seminar “Electromagnetic compatibility. Electrical safety. Grounding. Lightning protection” took place on November 17, 2016.
The program of the seminar:
- What is electromagnetic compatibility? The objectives and design features.
- Electromagnetic impact of high-voltage substations and transmission lines on the population and communications (pipelines, underground cables). Providing electrical safety.
- Lightning protection system designing and ensuring of electromagnetic compatibility. Active lightning protection.
- Designing and implementation of grounding devices. Features of measurement and choosing of input data.
- Providing electrical safety in electrical installations.
- The use of special devices for protection against surge voltages in power and low-voltage circuits.
The chief engineer of “Energosistemproekt” and the chief specialist of “Elektrosistemtehproekt” presented their reports during the seminar and answered all the questions from the audience.
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