Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2016: Regulatory Incentives to Achieve Digital Opportunities

07.04.2016 #ITU #analytics

ITU report "Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2016"explores topical issues regulators need to address to ensure that citizens can benefit from the social and economic opportunities brought about by the digital economy. For digital opportunities to fully materialize, an adaptive, consultative and innovative approach to ICT policy and regulation is more than ever necessary. It examine 

The report focuses on investment strategies to foster the deployment of broadband and access to the digital economy, network sharing and co-investment regulation, regulation and the Internet of Things (IoT), interoperability in the digital ecosystem and smart regulation to facilitate m-services and applications uptake and diffusion.

According to forecasts, by 2020 the number of M2M-connections will reach 1-2 billion. Some experts believe that the market of IoT devices will grow at an exponential rate and by 2019 the volume of the global economy will increase by more than 1.7 trillion US dollars.

The report emphasizes the need to develop common requirements (standards) for the IoT that will integrate solutions from different vendors and create a safe interoperabale environment for further implementation of IoT. At the same time the report concentrates on the need to develop measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality and security of data transmitted within the IoT


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To the attention of certificate holders, applicants for the certification and those, who accept declarations

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