ITU/UNESCO Policy Forum on mobile learning calls for better mobile learning policy environment

31.03.2016 #events #ITU

ITU/UNESCO Policy Forum on mobile learning was held on March 11, 2016. It brought together Ministers of Education and Ministers of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) to examine the role that policies and cross-sectoral collaboration can play in fostering innovation and the use of mobile technology to improve the quality, equity and accessibility of education.

Held under the framework of ITU’s m-Powering Development Initiative, the Forum was a highlight of this year’s UNOSCO Mobile Learning Week (MLW), which had the theme “Innovating for Quality”.

The event featured a Ministerial High-Level Roundtable which looked at how increasingly affordable digital devices can help address urgent educational challenges and meet the needs of students, teachers and administrators. Ministers also explored ways to create synergies between national policies in the areas of technology, education, telecommunication and innovation.

“This Policy Forum marks the start of an important collaborative effort between the education and ICT sectors to design policies that will build comprehensive and sustainable strategies for the digital learning revolution,” said Brahima Sanou, Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau.

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